domingo, 15 de junio de 2008

text comparative (english)

the wizard of oz

  • - it is a tail of fantatic
  • -the principal chracter of text is a young girl, her name was dorothy
  • -its objective is count something
  • -relate a story as many real like imaginary
  • -shelives secial adventures with their dog called toto for their voyage in the forest
  • -alt hough it is a story of fantasy there is some thing of mistery because character like a magician /wizar and a wich appear
  • -the main idea of the text is a girl sleepins and a storm leave house ther and she dreams a fantastic world
  • -the text is vey interesant because is a fantastic story the little girl dorothy and her adventures with the wizard of oz


  • -it is a mistery story
  • -the principal character of text called jhon robert
  • -it s objective is toast terror and fear
  • -related event stronge overnatvial relate real
  • -he helps people who have ghost in their house to get rid of them voyage the homes full with ghost
  • -he helps thems walk out thesr problem so they can move in the next world
  • -the main idea of the text is that jhon robert wasa ghostbuster he explamins: most of the time the ghost are members of the family
  • -the text is very interesant because is a mistery story and the little fright in this story

Imagine of the wizard of oz

ghost buster

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